Evening German Courses
- Duration: 5 weeks, 10 class days
- Participants per class: max. 5 people
- When: Twice a week, 6:00 – 7:30 PM / Twice a week, 7:30 – 9:00 PM
- Level: A1-C1
- Lessons: 1 module = 20 teaching units (TUs), 4 TUs per week
- Price per module: €169
- Each level (4 modules) includes 80 TUs*
- TU* = Teaching Unit (45 minutes)
Courses run from January to December, in the afternoons and evenings.
German for Beginners (A1)
Our A1 Evening German Course is divided into 4 modules: A1.1, A1.2, A1.3, A1.4.
You can take the modules individually, and they don’t depend on each other. This means every course block is open to everyone, even if you haven’t attended previous courses or modules.
Grammar Topics in the A1.1 Course Include:
- Verb conjugation (singular) / W-questions
- Verb conjugation (singular and plural) / Negation with "nicht" / Word formation with "-in"
- Yes/No questions: "ja-nein-doch"
- Possessive articles: "mein/dein"
- Verbs with vowel changes
- Definite articles: "der/das/die"
- Personal pronouns: "er/es/sie"
- Indefinite articles: "ein/eine"
- Negative articles: "kein/keine"
- Singular/plural and accusative
In the A1.2 Course, You’ll Learn:
- Modal verb: "können" / Sentence brackets
- Verb positions in sentences / Temporal prepositions: "am, um"
- Conjugation of "mögen, möchte" / Compound nouns
- Separable verbs
- Perfect tense with "haben/sein" / Temporal prepositions: "von…bis, ab, im"
In the A1.3 Course:
- Local prepositions / Dative
- Possessive articles: "sein/ihr" / Genitive with proper nouns
- Verbs with dative / Personal pronouns in dative
- Temporal prepositions: "vor, nach, in, für"
- Prepositions: "mit/ohne"
- Modal verbs: "wollen, sollen"
- Imperative (formal: "Sie")
Finally, in the A1.4 Course:
- Simple past tense: "war, hatte"
- Perfect tense with inseparable verbs
- Imperative (informal: "du/ihr") / Personal pronouns in accusative
- Modal verbs: "wollen, sollen"
- Comparatives / Comparisons
- Word formation with "-los" / Conjunction "denn"
- Conditional II: "würde" / Ordinal numbers
- Imperative (formal: "Sie")
Coursebooks: Menschen – Deutsch als Fremdsprache A1.1 and A1.2 (Hueber)
German – For Participants with Basic Knowledge (A2)
A2 learners build on their A1 knowledge and gain more confidence in expressing themselves in German.
Our A2 German Course is divided into 4 modules: A2.1, A2.2, A2.3, A2.4. These modules follow the lessons in the coursebook used.
You can take the modules individually, and they don’t depend on each other. This means every course block is open to everyone, even if you haven’t attended previous courses or modules.
Grammar Topics in the A2.1 Course:
- Possessive articles: "unser, euer" / Review of perfect and simple past
- Prepositions with dative and accusative / Verbs with prepositional changes
- Noun formation: verb + "-er" and verb + "-ung"
- Adjective declension with indefinite articles
- Adjective declension with definite articles
- Temporal prepositions: "über, von…an"
Grammar Topics in the A2.2 Course Include:
- Konjunktiv II: "könnte, sollte" / Temporal preposition: "zwischen" / Temporal adverbs: "montags"
- Conjunctions: "weil, deshalb"
- Adjective declension without articles
- Conjunction: "dass"
- Reflexive verbs
- Conjunction: "wenn"
- Temporal prepositions: "über, von…an"
Grammar Topics in the A2.3 Course:
- Conjunction: "als"
- Present passive: "Das Päckchen wird gepackt."
- Verbs with dative and accusative / Object placement in sentences
- Indirect questions: "ob, wie lange" / Local prepositions: "gegenüber, an…vorbei, durch"
- Local prepositions: "am Meer, ans Meer"
- Verbs with prepositions: "sich interessieren für" / Prepositional adverbs: "Worauf"
Grammar Topics in the A2.4 Course Include:
- Local prepositions: "Woher? - vom/aus dem"
- Past modal verbs: "dürfte, konnte, …"
- Question articles: "welch-" / Demonstrative pronouns: "dies-, der, das, die" / Verb: "lassen"
- Conjunctions: "bis, seit(dem)"
- Relative pronouns and clauses in nominative and accusative
- Simple past: "kam, sagte, …"
Coursebooks: Menschen – Deutsch als Fremdsprache A2.1 and A2.2 (Hueber)
German – Advanced Language Use (B1)
Our B1 Compact German Course is divided into 4 modules: B1.1, B1.2, B1.3, B1.4. The division of these modules is based on the coursebook used.
B1-level learners can understand texts that feature everyday or work-related language. They can also comprehend texts about events, feelings, and wishes. Learners will be able to speak in simple, connected sentences to describe experiences, events, dreams, hopes, and goals. They can narrate a story or summarize the plot of a book or film and describe their reactions. Writing personal letters to share experiences and impressions is another skill developed in this course.
Modules can be taken individually and don’t depend on each other. This means every course block is open to everyone, even if you haven’t attended previous courses or modules.
Grammar Topics in the B1.1 Course Include:
- Adjectives as nouns; n-declension
- Simple past tense (Präteritum)
- Relative clauses with dative and prepositions
- Conjunctions and local/temporal prepositions: "obwohl, trotzdem, falls, da, während, bevor"
- Future tense (Futur I)
- Conjunction: "falls"
Grammar Topics in the B1.2 Course Include:
- Infinitive with "zu"
- Conjunctions: "da, während, bevor"
- Adjective declension with comparatives and superlatives
- Conditional II (past)
- Past perfect (Plusquamperfekt) with "haben" and "sein" / Conjunction: "nachdem"
- Genitive case; adjective declension in genitive; preposition: "trotz"
Grammar Topics in the B1.3 Course Include:
- Conjunctions and adverbs: "darum, deswegen, daher" / Preposition: "wegen"
- Present and perfect participles as adjectives: "fascinating insights"
- Compound conjunctions: "nicht nur … sondern auch; sowohl … als auch"
- "nicht/nur brauchen" + infinitive + "zu"
- Expressions with "es"
- Compound conjunctions: "weder … noch; entweder … oder; zwar … aber"
Grammar Topics in the B1.4 Course Include:
- Compound conjunction: "je … desto/umso" / Modal particles: "denn, doch, eigentlich, ja"
- Conjunctions: "indem, sodass"
- Local and temporal prepositions: "innerhalb, außerhalb, um … herum" / Passive present with modal verbs
- Passive perfect: "ist eingeführt worden" / Passive simple past: "wurde eingeführt"
- Conjunctions: "anstatt/ohne … zu," "anstatt/ohne dass"
- Conjunctions: "damit, um … zu, als ob"
Coursebooks: Menschen – Deutsch als Fremdsprache B1.1 and B1.2 (Hueber)
German – Independent Language Use (B2)
Our B2 Compact German Course is divided into 4 modules: B2.1, B2.2, B2.3, B2.4. The structure of these modules is based on the coursebook used.
B2.1-level learners reach an advanced level of German. Complex texts on concrete and abstract topics will no longer be a mystery to you. The goal of this course is to help you communicate spontaneously and fluently while expressing yourself in detail on topics that interest you. A wide vocabulary will also enable you to argue and negotiate successfully.
Modules can be taken individually and don’t build on each other. This means every course block is open to everyone, even if you haven’t attended previous courses or modules.
Grammar Topics in the B2.1 Course Include:
- Modal verbs
- Past tenses of verbs
- Adjective declension
- Local expressions
- Passive voice
German – For Participants with Proficient Language Skills (C1)
Our course is designed for adult learners with strong C1-level German skills who want to deepen their knowledge effectively and communicatively in a modern way.
We cover key linguistic tools and grammar topics for the C1 Compact level. The course is divided into 4 modules: C1.1, C1.2, C1.3, and C1.4.
This is a compact course, specifically tailored for motivated learners, allowing for quick and noticeable progress. This format is especially suitable for courses with a shorter duration.
In addition to grammar, the course also covers cultural studies and provides insights into politics and history. You will enhance your reading and listening comprehension, vocabulary, as well as your spoken and written communication skills.
The coursebook used is: *Erkundungen C1 Kompakt* (Schubert-Verlag).
Modules can be taken individually and don’t depend on each other. This means every course block is open to everyone, even if you haven’t attended previous courses or modules.
Grammar Topics in the C1.1 Course Include:
- Past tenses of verbs
- Local and temporal prepositions
- Sentence connections: subordinate clauses and adjectives with prepositional cases
Grammar Topics in C1 Module 2:
- Compound sentence connections
- Main clauses
- Modal verbs
- Conditional II
- Prepositions with the genitive
Grammar Topics in C1 Module 3:
- Expressing assumptions
- Relative clauses
- Participial attributes
- Adjective declension
- Fixed expressions
- Participles and adjectives as nouns
Grammar Topics in C1 Module 4:
- Conditional I
- Imperative
- Nominalization
- Passive voice and alternatives to passive